Author Archives: Sergii Zadorozhnyi

The IS31FL3197 4-channel LED driver is very functionality controller of RGBW LEDs. Its detail description see in the datasheet of it. But it’s futile idea to seek for initialization procedure example there. In order to initialize the IS31FL3197 LED driver you need to do next sequence of steps described following.

Another demonstration test of the anti-noise ferrite rod antenna “Olusha-10”, this time in the amateur radio range “160..80 m”, which also includes train radio frequencies of 2130 kHz and 2150 kHz, as well as the International Maritime Distress Frequency of 2182 kHz. The recording is not the author’s, the recording was made by a radio […]

This proposed high-fidelity amplitude detector design resulted from another use of the class B push-pull amplifier. The extremely low harmonic distortion produced by such an amplitude detector is the result of the high linearity achieved through negative feedback.

If You need for the RF signal source, proposed RF Signal Generator, made as Arduino Uno expansion board, can help out. The RF Signal Generator shield, designed with Direct Digital Synthesis (DDS) IC, is installed into Arduino Uno board directly, eliminating the very possibility of error when connecting such devices with wires.

Now the JButton element of graphical user interface (GUI) from the Java’s language Swing Visual Components Library, when held pressed, triggers a multiple repetition of the same action as when it was clicked once. You can include a ready-made class that inherits from JButton in your Java project and simply use it.

To connect the HC-SR04 ultrasonic ranging module to microcontroller (for example, Arduino UNO), four wires are usually required. But while the Vcc and GND wires are necessary, the Trig and Echo wires can be “combined” into one with a simple circuit. The software to control the HC-SR04 ultrasonic ranging module via one signal line see […]

A loop antenna, supplemented with a variable capacitor to tune into resonance with the received signal, converts the energy of an electromagnetic wave into signal voltage much more efficiently, that is, its effective length is much more than that of an ordinary loop antenna. Here, in the third part, the determining of how much more […]